
Five weeks into maintaining weight during sedentary days with fasting

A week into maintaining weight during sedentary days with fasting

How did it go so far? Started feeling good about myself. It felt like it is doable for some more time. I was able to get through my day normally. No dizziness what so ever. Was feeling active and energized. I cheated a little On some days it was really difficult to not eat anything. When my wife made strawberry ice cream it was irresistible for me. Had a scoop.

The Start : Trying to maintain weight during sedentary days with fasting

How did it all start? I am working from home from about 21 days now because of corona-virus pandemic. These are days of least physical activity, when there is No cycling to work, No climbing 8 floors by steps. Working on computer during the day, only physical activity in life is grocery shopping twice a week. Preparation Checked with friends and acquaintances for advice and their experiences with fasting. Heard a lot of experiences about religious fasting for MahaShivaRatri and other Hindu occasions, Ramzan.